Buy a license for AstroClock 4 PRO
To activate the extra features in AstroClock 4 PRO, do this:
You need the serial number of your copy of AstroClock to get the license key:
1. Download and install AstroClock if you haven’t already done that.
2. Select License on the Help menu. You will see the license page which gives you the information you need to enter below.
3. Now continue with the NEXT STEP:…..
NEXT STEP: ( or if the button license box in AstroClock 4 has brought you to this page):
1. Fill out the details below and press Submit.
2. You will be taken to the payment page.
3. Your license key will arrive by email within 4 hours during hours 7 am to 4pm GMT.
1. Select License from the Help menu and enter the Name and License Key.
2. Press Apply License
(These instructions are repeated in the email with your license key.)